Status update

by Administrator 31. July 2013 23:25

Hi all

Well, this is the first blog post since September 17’th 2011. A lot has happened since then, which I will just summarize here and then maybe I will get the time to write more posts :-)

First of all, I am now divorced and have been since March 2012. My two kids (Now 9 and 7 years old) are with me 5 days every 14 days. It’s not nearly as much time as I would like to spend with them, but it’s more time than a lot of single fathers get with their kids. I try to make the best of it. I decided to stay in the house I owned with my x-wife – mainly because it was nice to have the kids come home to a house and neighborhood they know when they are staying with me.

Work-related, I am still employed the same place – only we got bought and I am now working at CGI. It’s the same job, same colleagues, same location… .just a new company name :-) I have been at the company for almost 10 years all together now. The first time was 4 years and two months and this time around it’s been 5 years and 4 months.

Being divorced, I suddenly had some time on my hands, so I started playing pool again. I joined my old club (Fast Eddies Pool Club, based here in Aalborg) and was the extra player in 2. division in 2012. This mainly meant that if a regular player on one of the teams was unable to play a game, I stepped in. I’m proud to say that even after almost 10 years away from the game, I won about 50% of my matches. It was really great to play the game again – I always did love to play pool. This season (2013) I chose not to play in the club, but to simply play whenever I feel like it. Perhaps in 2014 I will join the club again…

I have also started to loose some weight – It’s actually quite simple to loose weight:

  • I skipped all the candy and cake which meant a lot :-)
  • 3 times a week I do 24 minutes on an Elliptical trainer and then some weight lifting afterwards
  • 2-3 times a week I go for a 6,5km walk in the evening
  • I still ride my bike for 35 minutes to work and 35 minutes home from work on all work days

On the more technical side, I am growing quite fond of my Windows Phone 8 smart phone. I don’t care what anyone says – I believe this is the best OS to be using! :-) And I also have Windows 8 on my laptop and I have a Windows 8 RT tablet. The way everything works together – phone, laptop, xbox, tablet – all using Skydrive and – It’s just a great experience.

I lost my MVP status this year, sadly. I was awarded the MVP title in July 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. This time around I didn’t make the cut – but that was rather expected… My time was spent doing other stuff than helping the community – now I’ll just have to consider whether I want to work at getting it back or just skip it.

That’s it for now, I think…

Stay safe and take care of each other :-)


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Fitness | Family | Personal

Camping trip is over

by Administrator 17. July 2011 01:35

Hi all

Today we ended our one-week camping trip. We stayed at Løkken Klit Camping ( which was OK.

We have this large tent ( which kept us dry the entire week, luckily, because there was some rain during the week.

Now for some quite days at home and then we will see what the rest of the summer vacation brings Smile




12½ years with my wife

by eliasen 5. June 2011 23:39

Hi all

Yesterday my wife and I celebrated having been together for 12½ years.

In Denmark we celebrate it when people have been married for 12½ years so we thought we’d celebrate it a bit since we have now been together for 12½ years. There’s still almost 5 years until we have been married for 12½ years, but time sure is running Smile

Anyways, we went to Fårup Sommerland, which is a Danish amusement park and had a great time there.



Family | Personal

Fårup Sommerland

by eliasen 8. May 2011 21:59

Hi all

Yesterday Fårup Sommerland ( opened up for this season. We are lucky to have season tickets so we decided to go there for the opening.

It was a great trip. Andreas (6 years old) has no trouble laughing his way through the worst and most horrible amusement rides. Emil is a bit more careful and stays in the children’s area with smaller more slow amusement rides Smile

The park itself is great. Lots of rides, large ice creams, huge aqua park which opens in June, and a large area with grills that are free to use to grill your own food.

We are probably going next weekend again Smile



Family | Personal

Getting apples

by eliasen 12. September 2010 20:27

Hi all

Yesterday the whole family (Wife, two kids and myself) went to an apple farm ( to get apples. I’ve never been to an apple farm before, but it was a great trip, even though it rained, and the kids loved it. The farm had a tractor that had some carts after it and we got a ride around the farm in one of the carts Smile

We ended up picking (and hence buying) 7,5kg apples, 6kg pears and some plums. Oh yeah, and 3,75L apple juice Smile

All in all a great trip… and most important to me, off course, is, that I had the time, since I no longer work that hard on the book.




New pictures of my kids

by eliasen 1. August 2010 23:29

Hi all

Just posted a batch of pictures of my kids to their homepage at – pictures for May, June and July – really should have done May and June earlier, but didn’t… Smile

The web page is in Danish only…




Cirkus Summarum

by eliasen 1. August 2010 12:14

Hi all

Two days ago, my two boys (ages 4 and 6), my wife and I went to see Cirkus Summarum in Århus in Denmark.

This circus is a circus created by the Danish television DR and it features a lot of the characters that the kids in Denmark see and love in the Danish television.

They perform some of the songs we know from television and a lot of new stuff as well.

My younger son was happy to see Bamse, but my older son was really thrilled so see a fight between Krigerprinsessen Tilli (The Warrior Princess Tilli) and Skyggekrigeren (The Shadow Warrior) from a Danish role playing television series called Barda.

All in all a great success… except the ridiculously long queue at McDonalds for supper after the circus Smile



Family | Circus

About the author

Jan Eliasen is 37 years old, divorced and has 2 sons, Andreas (July 2004) and Emil (July 2006).

Jan has a masters degree in computer science and is currently employed at CGI Denmark as an IT architect.

Jan is a 6 times Microsoft MVP in BizTalk Server, although not currently and MVP.

Jan is proud to be one of the authors of the BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed book.

BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed

Buy from Amazon

Microsoft MVP

6 times: July 2004, July 2008, July 2009, July 2010, July 2011, and July 2012. Not currently an MVP.


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