Passed the TOGAF 9 Foundation Exam today

by eliasen 1. October 2010 20:48

Hi all

This last week I have been taking a pretty intensive TOGAF 9 course. Today we took the exams, and I am happy to announce that I passed the Foundation exam.

After passing the foundation exam we all took the “TOGAF 9 Certified” exam, but unfortunately the result from this exam isn’t due for another 5-7 days… so basically I am just waiting… and waiting…

Perhaps, right now, you are thinking about what on earth a BizTalk developer/architect/MVP is doing taking a TOGAF certification, but this is simply me evolving into a more architecture like role…




About the author

Jan Eliasen is 37 years old, divorced and has 2 sons, Andreas (July 2004) and Emil (July 2006).

Jan has a masters degree in computer science and is currently employed at CGI Denmark as an IT architect.

Jan is a 6 times Microsoft MVP in BizTalk Server, although not currently and MVP.

Jan is proud to be one of the authors of the BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed book.

BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed

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Microsoft MVP

6 times: July 2004, July 2008, July 2009, July 2010, July 2011, and July 2012. Not currently an MVP.


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