by eliasen
22. December 2006 20:47
I have just played quickly with receiving flat files.
Often, people create a receive pipeline for each flat file messagetype that must be received. This is done because the flat file disassembler needs to know exactly which document schema is to be used to parse the incoming message, as opposed to the XML disassembler, which will find the schema at runtime. So instead of having several flat file disassemblers in one pipeline, often, many pipelines are created.
BUT, I'd just like to point out that with BizTalk 2006, you can change properties of the pipeline components on a per instance level. So double click on your receive location, click the ellipsis on the pipeline and go to the "DocumentSpecName" property of the flat file disassembler. Why they haven't called it "Document Schema" as it is called in the pipeline designer, I don't know!
Anyway, here you can specify which document schema this pipeline instance should use. You must specify the fully qualified .NET typename of the schema, however. And it is a textbox, not a drop down, as in the designer. You can get the .NET typename by clicking on the .xsd in solution explorer, and taking it from the "Fually Qualified Name" property.
Hope this was helpful
BizTalk 2006