Eurosport Player

by Administrator 6. august 2013 21:05

Hi all

I wouldn’t call me a snooker fan as such, but I am fond of the game (a crappy player of it, though) and I do watch when it is transmitted on TV.

In Denmark, this means watching Eurosport, and my cable TV provided only provides Eurosport and not Eurosport 2 unfortunately.

Luckily, Eurosport have made apps for different platforms and luckily for me, they have recently released apps for both XBox and the Samsung Smart TV platform. I own both! :-)

The player has the big big advantage over watching the Eurosport channel on the TV that the player shows all the content that is recorded but doesn’t get shown on TV. So for instance, during the world championships for snooker, the cameras are pointed at the table at all times, so whenever nothing is shown on either TV channel I can just use the player :-)

And what’s even more good news is that I just got an email from Eurosport today stating that they have released an app for Windows Phone (The best smart phone OS built, IMO). So thumbs-up for that. I haven’t been able to find it in the Store yet, but it’ll probably be there in a day or two.

So what I am now missing is an app for Windows RT – THAT would be awesome! :-)

That’s it for now, I think…

Stay safe and take care of each other :-)


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Status update

by Administrator 31. juli 2013 23:25

Hi all

Well, this is the first blog post since September 17’th 2011. A lot has happened since then, which I will just summarize here and then maybe I will get the time to write more posts :-)

First of all, I am now divorced and have been since March 2012. My two kids (Now 9 and 7 years old) are with me 5 days every 14 days. It’s not nearly as much time as I would like to spend with them, but it’s more time than a lot of single fathers get with their kids. I try to make the best of it. I decided to stay in the house I owned with my x-wife – mainly because it was nice to have the kids come home to a house and neighborhood they know when they are staying with me.

Work-related, I am still employed the same place – only we got bought and I am now working at CGI. It’s the same job, same colleagues, same location… .just a new company name :-) I have been at the company for almost 10 years all together now. The first time was 4 years and two months and this time around it’s been 5 years and 4 months.

Being divorced, I suddenly had some time on my hands, so I started playing pool again. I joined my old club (Fast Eddies Pool Club, based here in Aalborg) and was the extra player in 2. division in 2012. This mainly meant that if a regular player on one of the teams was unable to play a game, I stepped in. I’m proud to say that even after almost 10 years away from the game, I won about 50% of my matches. It was really great to play the game again – I always did love to play pool. This season (2013) I chose not to play in the club, but to simply play whenever I feel like it. Perhaps in 2014 I will join the club again…

I have also started to loose some weight – It’s actually quite simple to loose weight:

  • I skipped all the candy and cake which meant a lot :-)
  • 3 times a week I do 24 minutes on an Elliptical trainer and then some weight lifting afterwards
  • 2-3 times a week I go for a 6,5km walk in the evening
  • I still ride my bike for 35 minutes to work and 35 minutes home from work on all work days

On the more technical side, I am growing quite fond of my Windows Phone 8 smart phone. I don’t care what anyone says – I believe this is the best OS to be using! :-) And I also have Windows 8 on my laptop and I have a Windows 8 RT tablet. The way everything works together – phone, laptop, xbox, tablet – all using Skydrive and – It’s just a great experience.

I lost my MVP status this year, sadly. I was awarded the MVP title in July 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. This time around I didn’t make the cut – but that was rather expected… My time was spent doing other stuff than helping the community – now I’ll just have to consider whether I want to work at getting it back or just skip it.

That’s it for now, I think…

Stay safe and take care of each other :-)


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Fitness | Family | Personal

I am a War Veteran

by Administrator 17. september 2011 15:24

Hi all

Not sure if you all know this, but I am actually a War Veteran.

I served my mandatory 10 months in the Danish army from August 1’st 1995 until May 31’st 1996. After that I signed a contract with the Danish International Brigade and was therefore in the reserve in the army while I studied computer science at the university from August 1996. In June 2000 I was summoned for a 6 months mission in Kosovo, so I spent 2 months of training in June and July 2000 and in august 2000 I went to Kosovo. Fate would have it that my little sister was going on the same mission, so that was pretty cool Smile

After coming back to Denmark in February 2001 (Boring Christmas and new years evening) I resigned from the army. While I am happy to have tried it, there is no way I will leave my wife (girlfriend back then) and kids for 6 months. Quite a lot of the buddies I had in Kosovo lost their girlfriends during the mission.

Anyway, some days ago I received my “War veteran”-card from the Danish army. This is a new card that the ministry of defense decided we should all have. So they have spent God knows how much money and man hours deciding that we should all have this card, creating them and sending them out to us. The problem is, that I have no idea why on earth we need to have this card. Apparently the idea is that using this card I can prove that I am in fact a War Veteran, but come on… I have never really had the need to prove that. If I tell people that I am a War Veteran I have never experienced someone say “Really? I don’t believe that!” Smile But should someone do that in the future, I can now simply pull out the card and prove it! Smile

You can see the front side of the card here (My SSN is removed):


And the backside here:



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war veteran

BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed is now out

by Administrator 16. september 2011 01:13

Hi all

I am VERY happy to announce, that the book I have been writing alongside Brian Loesgen, Charles Young, Scott Colestock, Anush Kumar, and Jon Flanders is now finally out.

You can buy it here:

I am responsible for the four chapters about:

  • Schemas
  • Maps
  • Orchestrations
  • Pipelines

I welcome ANY feedback about what I have written, but should you have feedback to other parts of the book that you are anxious to write to someone, feel free to send me an email about that too Smile

It has been quite a journey and there have been times when I was REALLY tired of writing. It is my understanding, however, that my chapters have turned out very well and I am looking forward to learning more about BizTalk, reading the stuff from the other great authors.

If you buy the book, you can see my acknowledgements, but just in case you are not buying the book, let me just quickly mention Randal van Splunteren (MVP) who did me a great personal favor and reviewed all the stuff I wrote before I handed it in for official review. It was a fantastic help.


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BizTalk 2010 Unleashed

I’ll be reviewing a book about BizTalk

by Administrator 24. august 2011 00:25

Hi all

I was contacted by Packt Publishing asking me if I’d do a review of the Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration book.

I have the PDF and the printed version should arrive any day now. Once I’ve read it I’ll post a review of it on my technical blog at

BTW, you can find a sample chapter of the book at


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Book review

The next DBUG meeting

by Administrator 23. august 2011 23:34

Hi all

Just a quick note to let you all know that the next meeting in the Danish BizTalk User Group (DBUG) will be on September 21’st. I won’t be speaking for a change, so do come around Smile

You can find the invitation at


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Proof of DHL relay run

by Administrator 22. august 2011 21:04

Hi all

Turns out that I was caught on camera a couple of times during the run. See the pictures here: and here: I’m the one on the far right of the last picture Smile

The certificate for my team can be seen here: – ignore the team I am registered for – that is due to me being late for the switch. The 5km took me just below 24:30 minutes.


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DHL Stafet

by Administrator 20. august 2011 11:00

Hi all

The “DHL stafet” is a 5x5km relay race that is held annually here in Denmark in the largest cities.

My employer Logica always participates and this year we had about 20 teams as far as I recall. I participated last Thursday on one of these teams and despite the fact that my achilles tendon and knees are still bust I ran a pretty good race for someone who hasn’t been training seriously for 3 years.

The 5km took me 24:27 minutes and this is actually a lot faster than I had thought I could. The official time, unfortunately, is 25:55 because I was late for the switch so my time started almost 1,5 minutes before I received the depeche.

Anyway, my team was the fast mix-team from Logica, so that’s great! Smile And actually we came in as number 31 out of 1214 teams. Had I been on time for the switcch we would have come in around place number 20 instead of 31.

Next year I will really try to be on time! Smile


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Running | Fitness

Cross trainer

by Administrator 12. august 2011 17:12

Bummer! It seems I have busted my knees so yesterday I ended up pending 45 minutes on a cross trainer instead of the treadmill.

Those cross trainers bug me – I can’t help thinking that I look really silly when I use them.

And it is quite impossible for me to keep up the pace if I need to wipe sweat of my forehead using a towel.

And finally, the calorie consumption isn’t anywhere near a good run…

I really hope my knees are back in shape soon…


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Running | Fitness

Book review: 100 Essential Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know

by Administrator 9. august 2011 21:17

Hi all

I have previously written part 1 of a book review at’t-know-you-didn’t-know-part-I.aspx.

I have now finished the book and thought I’d write my thoughts about the book here.

First of all, I am not sure the 100 things are actually essential… some of them are more “Nice to know” than “Need to know”, but hey, that’s subjective, right?

Anyway, some of the things I didn’t know I didn’t know require some more-than-basic math skills to understand, which at times was rather hard to follow; I mean… for a book that is supposed to be bedtime reading, I think it requires too much. Had it been a book where you are supposed to sit and use time to study calculations, that would have been fine.

Out of the 100 things, I found these to be the most interesting;

  • Why pylons consists of triangles
  • Why it is easier to walk on a tightrope using a long pole with heavy buckets at the ends
  • Why Barbados had to score an own goal against Grenada to move on in a tournament
  • Some strategies for dividing something equally
  • Why no one has ever travelled in time
  • A new proof of Pythagoras’s theorem
  • How Calculus once saved the life of a mathematician
  • A lot of information about how to cut a diamond
  • There are no uninteresting numbers
  • Some different ways to score sports events that are more or less silly
  • Why A4/A3/A2 and so on paper formats are SO much cleverer than the US letter format and so on

It’s been a good read, but without some interest in mathematics and physics, you won’t like it.


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Book review

About the author

Jan Eliasen is 37 years old, divorced and has 2 sons, Andreas (July 2004) and Emil (July 2006).

Jan has a masters degree in computer science and is currently employed at CGI Denmark as an IT architect.

Jan is a 6 times Microsoft MVP in BizTalk Server, although not currently and MVP.

Jan is proud to be one of the authors of the BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed book.

BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed

Buy from Amazon

Microsoft MVP

6 times: July 2004, July 2008, July 2009, July 2010, July 2011, and July 2012. Not currently an MVP.


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